Chile – Meeting of Rectors: Towards a Solidarity Economy
Santiago, Chile – December 2024 - Representatives of the Salesian schools in Chile participated in a meeting of administrators held at the Provincial House of the Salesians in Chile on 4 and 5 December. The meeting was held with the aim of strengthening transformational leadership, accompanying the transition to new integrated software and communicating the results of the ministerial, fiscal and accounting processes. The event opened with a welcome from the Provincial of the Salesians in Chile, Fr Nelson Moreno, who expressed the importance, on the part of the participants, of being not only experts in the financial part, but to dialogue with the finance team at the central level for next year's budget and to work on the theme of solidarity economy, Christian and Salesian principle. The Provincial Economer, Fr Néstor Muñoz, commented: "We want to promote the strengthening of administrative leadership, which is so important within this culture of administration". During the morning, the Head of Administration and Finance, Andrés Berríos, presented the Closing of the 2024 processes and the 2025 Financial Statements. Subsequently, a workshop on educational leadership was held, promoted by Oscar Soto, psychologist of organisations. In the afternoon, the head of the Accounting Department, Kristhel Peralta, presented the declaratory processes, the payment of suppliers and the accounting closure 2024. The work of the first day ended with the presentation of the Head of Human Resources, Karen Henríquez. On the second day, the participants worked on formation in the SIE declarative processes, on the School Improvement Plan and on the Preferential School Allowance.
SOURCE: Salesian Communication Chile
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