Brazil – Many young people gathered at Campo Bosco 2024, under the theme: "The Dream that makes you dream"
São Sebastião, Brazil – December 2024 – Young people in the Salesian Province of Manaus, Brazil (BMA) gathered from 29 November to 1 December, to participate in the 2024 edition of Campo Bosco held in São Sebastião. Organised by the AJS (Articulação Juvenil Salesiana – or SYM, the Salesian Youth Movement in Brazil) from Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, the event took place under the theme: "The Dream that makes you dream". During the three days of activity, the participants immersed themselves in an atmosphere of Salesian spirituality, characterised by simplicity, joy and hospitality. Through moments of prayer, reflection, group sharing, celebrations, tournaments and numerous activities, the young people were able to strengthen their faith and deepen their knowledge of the life and work of Don Bosco. The event ended with the Eucharistic celebration in the parish church of Santa Isabel and with the awarding of the winning teams. Campo Bosco reinforced the importance of the work of the AJS in promoting the integral formation of young people, based on the principles of Salesian spirituality. The experience of Campo Bosco inspired young people to move forward, with the certainty that walking with God is the source of true happiness.
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