Mexico - Ongoing Formation for the Salesians of the Guadalajara Province
Amatitán, Mexico - November 2024 - Ongoing formation weeks were held for the Salesians of the Mexico-Guadalajara Province (MEG) from 4 to 22 November. Three weeks of formation were held at Casa Betsaida in Amatitán, Jalisco, where each Salesian, depending on the week chosen, received formation on various topics. During each week in an atmosphere of fraternity, it was possible to explore how the Salesian mission is being carried out in each of the works. They began with a retreat and presentation on accompaniment. Afterwards, each participant was able to reflect on personal health care, the economy, youth realities, mission and vocation, social communication and the code of ethics.
- Mexico – Formation Days for Formators 2025
- Mexico - Promise of two new Salesian Cooperators from the Northern Mexico Province
- Mexico - Assembly of the Salesian Youth Movement in the Salesian Province of Guadalajara
- Mexico – Visit by the General Councillor for Formation to the formation houses of the Province of Guadalajara, Mexico (MEG)
- Mexico – Eleven Salesians from seven Provinces involved in the Perpetual Profession preparation course
- Mexico – Young pilgrims accompanied by Mary Help of Christians
- Mexico – A teacher heads for the altars: an exhibition on Servant of God Arturo Álvarez
- Mexico – "Namuncurá" Youth Residences: for comprehensive support for young migrants
- Mexico – 5th ESA Continental Meeting: "Together for the present and future of Salesian education"
- Mexico - Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of Guadalajara, Mexico