Peru – Ayacucho celebrates the contribution of the Salesians to the history of Peruvian education: presentation of the book by Fr Jorge Atarama
Ayacucho, Peru – November 2024 - Those who walk the streets of Ayacucho these days feel the emotion of the proximity of the bicentenary of the famous battle that sealed the freedom of Peru and America. In the midst of this jubilee spirit, on the night of Wednesday 13 November, the Municipal Theatre in Huamanga was the scene of the presentation of Fr Jorge Atarama Ramírez's latest book: "History of Popular and Technical Education (1821-1968): Salesian Schools of Agricultural Arts and Crafts" (Lima: Editorial Salesiana, 2024). In the presence of Archbishop Salvador Piñeiro, Archbishop of Ayacucho, and involving Magister David Franco, Historian of the Salesian Congregation of Peru, this academic event took place bringing together the members of the Salesian Family of the City as well as pupils, parents and past pupils of the Salesian School and friends of the Work of Don Bosco. During his address Dr Guido Pérez Sáez, professor at the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga and former Salesian student, retraced each of the chapters that make up this research. It was a detailed review of the main contributions of this publication. Historian David Franco observed: "Reading this work allows us to reflect on how education has been the real battleground throughout the history of our Republic, where different social actors have tried to make their way both towards their own personal fulfilment and towards the collective development of the Nation". Fr Atarama stressed that the main contribution of this book is to propose a new period for the history of popular and technical education in the country; an extraordinary contribution to the understanding of the national educational process and the role of the Salesians.
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