Italy - Fr Luigi Melesi inscribed in the Famedio at the Monumental Cemetery in Milan
Milan, Italy - November 2024 - On Saturday 2 November, Salesian Father Luigi Melesi was inscribed in the Famedio of Milan's Monumental Cemetery, among the many illustrious personalities who have dedicated their lives to the city. From 1978 to 2008, he devoted much of his energies to serving the inmates of the San Vittore prison. His 30 years of experience as a chaplain is also contained in his book, ‘Prete da galera’ (San Paolo edition). The ceremony, held on the Day of Remembrance for the Dead, was attended by the Mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the President of the City Council Elena Buscemi and the Councillor for Civic Services Gaia Romani. Among those present were Father Roberto Dal Molin, Superior of the Salesian Lombardo-Emiliana Province (ILE), the Rector of the Salesian S. Ambrogio institute, Father Sandro Ticozzi, Salesian bishop Gaetano Galbusera, numerous Salesians and past pupils, and many people from Valsassina accompanied by the Mayor of Cortenova, the priest's hometown.
- Italy – Meeting of Parish Priests and Oratory Leaders of the Lombardo-Emiliana Salesian Province
- Italy – Formation Meeting of young Lombardy Provinces SDB and FMA in the, ‘Pausing to be formed: to speak of Christ one must live by him’
- Italy – In the footsteps of Fr Giuseppe Quadrio, Maria Troncatti, Fr Carlo Braga
- Italy – Celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the death of Fr Elia Comini, SDB, and Fr Martino Capelli, SCI
- Italy – Fr Luigi Melesi, SDB, among the illustrious personalities to be registered in the Milan Pantheon
- Italy – Perpetual professions of three Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and three Salesians of Don Bosco