Poland - Inter-provincial course for Oratory Directors
Warsaw, Poland – October 2024 – In order to continue to develop the charism and deepen its identity in the Salesian charism, a formation course for Oratory Directors in all Provinces in Poland took place at the Mission Office in Warsaw. The course which lasted 5 days, from 21 to 25 October, was organised by members of the National Centre for Youth Ministry in Poland: Fr Franciszek Janyga, Fr Szymon Mastalerz, Fr Krzysztof Tomeczkowski and Fr Mikołaj Wyczałek. The very intense programme included various times for prayer, masses and conferences on various topics about the Salesian Congregation and the world of youth. Special guest at the event was Fr Francisco Cervantes, from the Youth Ministry Sector of the Salesian Congregation who deals with Oratories-Youth Centres. He was involved in all the workshops, gave a talk on oratories around the world and on their management and made a final summary of the meeting. Other Salesians and lay people also spoke. An important voice was one Salesian co-worker who works with children and young people and drew attention to the extraordinary role of accompaniment. Lectio divina led by biblical scholar, Fr Adam Węgrzyn, Rector of the Głosków community, introduced the participants to the mysteries of the Word of God. In addition, participants were able to visit the Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko Museum and the prison on Rakowiecka Street 37, where Salesian Archbishop Antoni Baraniak and other preachers of freedom were held. The course just concluded was the beginning of a process that will continue. The goal is to refine skills, form sensitivity, build room for dialogue and the exchange of experiences.
photo by CK DM
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