Poland – Visit of Fr Francisco Cervantes to Krakow Province
Krakow, Poland – October 2024 – On Friday 18 October, the Province of Krakow (PLS) was visited by Fr Francisco Cervantes, who deals with Oratories-Youth Centres in the Youth Ministry Sector of the Salesian Congregation. First, Fr Cervantes visited the Oratory of St John Bosco and the Oświecim School Complex; then he visited the Salesian Public Secondary School in Kraków and the Oratory of the Guardian Angels, located on the premises of the school. During the meeting with the cheerful, energetic and joyful volunteers, he spoke about the mission of the oratories, thanking them for their dedication, their commitment and their work. During the meeting there was also time for fraternal agape and moments of jovial coexistence with the volunteers who celebrated the namesakes of their companions named Luca and the birthday of Fr Franciszek Janyga, Provincial Delegate for Youth Ministry.
Text and photo: Julia Stankowska
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