Brazil - National Meeting of Salesian Novices
Recife, Brazil - October 2024 - On Sunday, 6 October, the National Meeting of Salesian Novices was held in digital mode in the presence of Fr Sedney Manja and Fr Herison Leandro, Novice Directors. In addition to the 11 novices belonging to the various Salesian provinces in Brazil, three practical trainees also participated. The meeting was marked by spiritual depth, community life, the Salesian charism, the family spirit in Salesian houses, pastoral work and love for Don Bosco, with special emphasis on the message given by Fr Francisco Inácio, Superior of the Salesian Province of Recife , Brazil (BRE).
- Brazil - Youth ministry meeting at the Colônia Salesiana São Sebastião
- Brazil - Perpetual Profession of four young Salesians
- Brazil – The parish of Our Lady of the Rosary in Oeiras entrusted to the Salesians
- Brazil – Salesian deacon Leandro Francisco da Silva ordained priest
- Brazil - The 28th Youth Festival in Recife Province gathers over a thousand young people
- Brazil - Formation, sharing and projects 2025 in the third meeting of Rectors from the Salesian Province of Recife
- Brazil - Diaconate Ordination of Salesians Pedro Francisco Xavier Neto and Castelo José Alberto Faustino
- Bahrain – Salesian student from Aracaju wins the World Karate Champion title
- Brazil – Meeting of Parish Priests and Rectors of Recife Province
- Brazil – Educating with the heart of Don Bosco: the Salesians of Bahia celebrate Educators Day
- Brazil – Thousands of faithful at the 81st Salesian Family's "Romaria"
- Brazil – Opening of a new sports facility at the Don Bosco Salesian Institute in Parnamirim
- Brazil – The Salesian Province of Recife launches its Report on the social, educational and pastoral impact
- Brazil – Meeting brings together the administrators of Salesian works in the Province of Recife
- Brazil – Cultural gymkhana involves more than 350 students from the Salesian High School in Salvador
- Brazil - The blessing of Father Cícero Romão's grave marks the 90 years of eternal life of the Servant of God
- Brazil – From the Don Bosco Salesian Institute in Salvador to the 2024 Paris Olympics: swimmer Guilherme Caribé invites young people to dedicate themselves to sport