Poland – Salesian Family Forum: "The Preventive System - dream or reality"
Łódż, Poland – October 2024 - On 5 October, the Salesians in Łódź hosted the Salesian Family Forum on the theme "The Preventive System - dream or reality". The event, organised by the National Centre for Youth Ministry, brought together dozens of members of the Salesian Family from all over Poland, eager to deepen their knowledge of St John Bosco's Preventive System. Among the speakers were Fr Franciszek Janyga, SDB, who focused on the spiritual dimension of the Preventive System; Dr Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska, SSW, who spoke about the role of the Preventive System in the Salesian Family; Sister Natalia Roman, FMA, who presented the profiles of the five young Blessed oratorians of Poznań, as a result of the work based on the Preventive System. Jakub Szajkowski instead spoke about the future of the Preventive System in the context of the media. After the lectures, the focal moment of the day was experienced with the celebration of the Eucharist. Immediately afterwards, the participants took part in the workshops led by the speakers, which allowed the practical application of the knowledge acquired and stimulated the discussion. It was a fruitful moment of encounter, prayer and reflection on the Salesian legacy.
Text and photo: Facebook PLS
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