Bolivia – "Continuing to build an environment of love": Fr Orozco, Councillor for the Interamerica Region, concludes his Visitation to Bolivia
Bolivia – September 2024 – Fr Hugo Orozco, Councillor for the Interamerica Region, has concluded the Visitation to the Salesian Our Lady of Copacabana Province of Bolivia (BOL), carried out between 10 August and 29 September 2024. For almost two months, Fr Orozco visited the different Salesian works, meeting religious communities and groups of lay people and offering an evaluation of the commitment and collective effort that feeds the Salesian mission in the country. He also met the Rectors of Works at the Provincial House, where he also presided over the concluding Eucharistic Celebration, a significant moment for the entire community. During the homily the Councillor highlighted three main aspects: the centrality of Jesus, the value of the community and the relevance of young people. He then expressed his sincere gratitude for the affection he was shown by religious communities and lay groups in each of the works visited. He recognised the common effort that supports the Salesian mission in Bolivia, emphasising that each of these meetings was fundamental to enrich the spirit of collaboration and commitment that characterises the Salesian Family. At the end of his visit, Fr Orozco left an invitation open to all the members of the community: "to continue building an environment of love, support and unity, where every young person can feel valued and accompanied on their journey".
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