Indonesia - Opening ceremony for a new Salesian residence and college in Purwodadi
Purwodadi, Indonesia – September 2024 - A new Salesian residence and college is currently under construction in Purwodadi, on the island of Java, Indonesia. The opening ceremony of the works took place on 24 September. The Salesians there run a middle school, the SMP Bhakti Mulia, and thirty-one boys stay in a makeshift boarding house using old classrooms in the school. The new boarding house is designed to accommodate up to sixty children. The opening ceremony began with the blessing presided over by the Superior of the Salesian Vice-Province of Indonesia (INA), Fr Vincentius Prastowo, who laid the first stone together with Fr Hendrikus Tolok, SDB, Rector of the house and Principal of the School, and the parish priest of Purwodadi. All students, teachers and school staff of SMP Bhakti Muli" participated with great enthusiasm. With the help of numerous friends of Don Bosco, the Economer of the INA Vice-Province, Fr Yohanes Boedirahardjo Soerjonoto, SDB, mobilised local resources for the new building through various activities: the Bosco Charity Dinner, Bosco Charity Golf Tournament and SJB Parish Appeal. However, for the total cost of the project, the INA Vice-Province benefited from the Rector Major's Solidarity Fund, which supported the purchase of the land and the Foundation in memory of Fr John Lee through the Salesian Mission Office in South Korea, which will support the construction of the buildings.
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