Belgium - Pope Francis' surprise to 6,000 young people gathered for a vigil: "Go ahead, make a noise!"

30 September 2024
Vatican Media

Brussels, Belgium – 28 September 2024 - Another off-schedule move by the Pope who, after meeting with the Jesuits, went to the Brussels Expo, a building near the King Baudouin Stadium, to greet boys and girls gathered in the afternoon for the "Hope Happening" event. An exciting welcome for the Pontiff, with songs and choirs: "Young people make a noise" said Pope Francis. "I recommend you help others and do not forget to pray." A group of young people from Bosco Base, accompanied by two 'extras' of St John Bosco and St Mary Mazzarello, took the stage to greet and take a selfie with Pope Francis.

Source: Vatican News


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