Argentina – Meeting of School Pastoral Coordinators in the ARS Salesian Province
Argentina – September 2024 – An online meeting of the School Pastoral Coordinators in the Salesian Province of Argentina South (ARS) took place on 16 September. There many many objectives: to meet and celebrate the educational vocation at the service of pastoral care; to face up to the paths and challenges of school pastoral care throughout the continent; to discern together the policies for the coming years in this field and specific service; to share information. After a prayer ed by Rocío Manceñido, Oscar Pérez Sayago, Secretary General of the Interamerican Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC), spoke, providing a global overview of school ministry in the continent and sharing what, in his opinion, are the four great challenges that pastoral care faces today in Argentine schools. In the third part, led by Gabriela Gómez, Provincial Delegate of the School Sector, the participants worked in groups to reflect on the challenges and propose suggestions for policies that, in this specific field, they would like to explore in the coming years. The meeting was also an opportunity to share the progress made on the framework document for School Pastoral Care and other documents.
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