Colombia – Bogotá Salesian Province's Day of Gratitude
Bogotá, Colombia – September 2024 - the Feast of Gratitude of the Salesian Province of Bogotá Colombia (COB) took on 7 September, a tradition that has a deep meaning for the Salesian community and is a special moment to thank and acknowledge those who have dedicated their lives to the mission of Don Bosco. This year the celebration was held at the León XIII Salesian College and was characterised by an atmosphere of joy and fraternity, the central figure being Fr John Jairo Gómez Rúa, COB Provincial, and all those who with their commitment have made the Salesian work grow in Colombia. The ceremony began with an emotional Eucharist presided over by the Provincial, in which he thanked the community for the support and commitment shown in these years of mission. Between music, theatre and artistic performances by young people, a festive atmosphere was breathed. The participation of the theatrical group and the symphonic band of the school stood out for its ability to create a magical atmosphere. Priests, lay people and jubilarians marking the history of the Province were also awarded. The event ended with the touching words of Fr Gómez Rúa who spoke of six years of work and shared learning, underlining the importance of union and fraternity in the Salesian mission.
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