Italy – 34 young Salesians from over 25 nations take part in the first phase of the course of preparation for perpetual profession

09 September 2024

Messina, Italy – September 2024 - From 2 to 7 September, the first phase of the course of preparation for perpetual profession was held in the Salesian house of the San Tommaso theologte in Messina. The house welcomed the 34 young people from four continents, more than 25 nations, with open arms, a breath of salesianity from all over the world. After the first years of temporary profession spent in study and mission, young Salesians are now preparing for perpetual profession. Starting from the joys and challenges of the Salesian mission with the group work proposed by Fr Alberto Anzalone, the Salesians then reflected on the meaning of consecration to God through the meditations of Fr Giuseppe Cassaro and Bro. Paolo Zini. There were many insights,including pointed ones, that serve to awaken love for God in the awareness of the seriousness of consecration. In conclusion, before the summary and sharing, there was an afternoon of retreat led by Fr Franco Di Natale, and personal reflection, to assimilate the words heard in one's own life and choices. There were obviously moments of sharing to get to know the points of view of the various nationalities, and also of leisure to chat and share  the beauty of Salesian life in the informal fraternal moments.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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