Colombia – Meeting of the Oratories and Youth Centres of the COM Province
Colombia – August 2024 – Saturday 24 August, 165 Leaders from the Oratories and Youth Centres of the St Luis Bertrand Salesian Province of Medellín, Colombia (COM) met for a formation opportunity whose objective was to strengthen the educative and pastoral proposal based on the needs of children, young people and their families, starting from the guidelines presented within the Provincial Oratory Program. This meeting, led by the Provincial Oratory Commission, the SYM Animation team and the Provincial Council, was held at the zonal level in the following locations: the Don Bosco Social Centre in Barranquilla (North Zone), the Santo Domingo Savio School in La Ceja (Central Zone) and the Don Bosco Formation Centre in Cali (South Zone and Eje Cafetero). During the meeting, the participants explored chapters III and IV of "The Oratory-Youth Centre", presented by the Youth Ministry Sector to all Salesian Works around the world, which offers a challenge to strengthen the network of the eleven Oratories and Youth Centres of the Province for the benefit of the most needy children and young people in Colombia.
- Colombia – Priestly Ordination of Salesian Brian Alfonso Mejía Cantillo
- Colombia – Sufragio Sound: The youthful force behind Salesian digital communication
- Colombia – 2nd Provincial Meeting on Human Rights: a renewed commitment to their protection and promotion
- Colombia – 22nd National Meeting of Pastoral Coordinators: "A ministry that educates to love"
- Colombia – Installation of the new Superior of the Province of Medellín, Fr José Ariel Guerrero
- Colombia – "Reviving" Salesian hope in the difficult neighbourhoods of Barranquilla
- Colombia - Camp Bosco 2024, to establish the pillars of Salesian Youth Spirituality in the country