Russia – Salesian Cooperators already in the coldest city in the world
Yakutsk, Russia – August 11, 2024 – After completing the 2 years of formation necessary to recognise and consolidate their vocation, Nikolay, Ekaterina and Eugenia, three parishioners from the Catholic community of Yakutsk, capital of the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, Russia, have made their apostolic promise as Salesian Cooperators. In recent years they have been guided by the Salesian Cooperators of Slovakia, Mária and Pavel Jarkovskí, the Rector of the Salesian community, Fr Ján Krupa, and the parish priest Fr Pavol Michalka. The solemn promise was made in the presence of the Provincial of Slovakia, Fr Peter Timko, and the Horňák husband and wife team, Salesian Cooperators from Slovakia. The new Salesian Cooperators thus expanded the ranks of the Salesian Family in Russia and joined their brother and sister Cooperators already active in Moscow. At this time the words of Don Bosco resonate above all: "The work of the Cooperators will spread to all countries, it will spread throughout the Christian world, supported by the right hand of God!" And now, even in the coldest place in the world. The city of Yakutsk is located in the far northest of the country where winter temperatures drop below -50°C. The promises of the new Cooperators deepens the joy in this jubilee year for the Yakutsk Salesians who this year are commemorating 30 years and the establishment of the parish, as well as 15 years since the consecration of the only Catholic church in the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia.
- RMG – SDB Provinces: the Slovakian Province of Mary Help of Christians (SLK)
- India - Salesian Cooperator appointed a Council Member of the Laity Commission, CCBI, India
- Italy – Meeting of Salesian Cooperators from the Middle East residing in Europe
- Russia – The traditional meeting of Salesian Leaders
- Russia – Summer camp for young people in Gatchina
- Republic of Sakha-Yakutia - Youth meeting in the coldest city in the world
- Russia – 30th anniversary of the arrival of the first Salesian missionaries in Yakutsk and 15th anniversary of the consecration of the Church of the Holy Trinity
- Russia – Course for Salesian animators concludes in Gatchina
- Russia – The Feast of Don Bosco celebrated in Moscow