Tunisia – Salesian summer activities for young people in Manouba

01 August 2024

Manouba, Tunisia – July 2024 – From 1 to 30 July, the Salesian community of Manouba, belonging to the Saint Augustine Special Circumscription of North Africa (CNA), organised summer activities in which about 150 young Muslim men, women and boys from Manouba and the surrounding neighbourhoods participated. Numerous recreational and educational activities have been proposed, creating a complete, serene and relaxing Oratory atmosphere in a family atmosphere. In addition to the Salesians, there were a good number of Tunisian and foreign leaders and collaborators who contributed, with their active participation, to the smooth running of the activities until the end, in particular a group of four young volunteers and two Salesians from the Sicily Province in Italy (ISI), who spent fifteen days with the young people in Tunisia. The joy was evident in all those involved in the activities, including the parents of the young people who were sometimes invited to participate to really know what their children live together with the Salesians.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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