Thailand – Seminar for new Salesian school teachers 2024

29 July 2024

Huahin, Thailand – July 2024 - From 26 to 28 July, the Commission for the Salesian Schools in Thailand, under the chairmanship of Fr Smith Daengampan, together with the heads of the various Salesian schools, organised a seminar for new teachers and staff at the Salesian Retreat House in Huahin. 52 teachers participated in this seminar, entitled "The preventive system of Don Bosco" and began on the evening of 26 July, with the opening ceremony chaired by Fr Boonlert Paneetatthayasai, Superior of the Province of Thailand (THA). The main speaker was Fr Banchong Santisukniran, SDB, who guided the teachers to understand the history, roots and core of Don Bosco's educational method: reason, religion and loving-kindness. By working together with the Salesians in each institute, teachers can help young people to be good citizens of the nation and honest followers of their religion.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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