South Sudan – Don Bosco Salesian secondary school in Maridi launches tree planting campaign

25 July 2024

Maridi, South Sudan – July 2024 – The Don Bosco Salesian secondary school in Maridi has launched a tree planting campaign entitled "One student, one tree". Fr Michael Kalathipullatt, Rector, and Fr Charles Taban, Principal, started this ecological and care path of our Common Home among the students of the Salesian institute and extended it to all schools and nearby villages. The school prepared seedlings of various trees, in addition to those brought by the students. Each of them planted one, with the task of taking care of it during their time at the school. Fr Kalathipullatt reminded the students: “He who plants a tree, plants a hope. And our closeness to nature is really closeness to the Divine, because God speaks through nature.” Since it is currently monsoon time in South Sudan, this is a favorable time to plant trees. Through these initiatives, the school administration intends to spread hope among young people and make Sudan greener for future generations.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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