Poland – 24th “Salesian Summer” Music Festival in Przemyśl

19 July 2024

Przemyśl, Poland – July 2024 – The 24th “Salesian Summer” Music Festival takes place in Przemyśl from 8 to 19 July. This year's edition began at the Salesian Saint Joseph's Shrine, belonging to the Salesian Province of Krakow (PLS), and includes 10 concerts held in various places: 4 concerts in the auditorium of Casimir Castle, 3 concerts in the Salesian Church, 2 concerts in the Carmelite Church, 1 concert in the hall of the Musical Society. The last event of the Festival is scheduled for 19 July and will take place where the Festival began, namely in the Salesian Church. The programme of musical presentations is rich and varied, including a wide musical repertoire that satisfies both classical and contemporary music lovers. In the photo is the "Giocoso Ensemble" group , which performed in concert on 15 July at Casimir Castle. Organisers of the Festival: ZAMEK Cultural and Scientific Center of Przemyśl; St. Joseph Parish - Salesians; Renata Nowakowska - director of PCKiN ZAMEK; Don Wiesław Wilkosz, SDB – parish priest; Daniel Prajzner - artistic direction; Tomasz Ślusarczyk - director of the Festival.

Photo: Tomasz Beliński, Przemyskie Centrum Kultury i Nauki ZAMEK (ZAMEK Cultural and Scientific Center in Przemyśl)


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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