El Salvador – Provincial Meeting of Salesian Practical Trainees: "A Youth Ministry that educates to love"

18 June 2024

Ayagüalo, El Salvador – June 2024 — The Provincial Meeting of Practical Trainees from Central America (CAM) was held at the Sacred Heart Retreat House from 11 to 13 June. The event brought together ten Salesians in the Practical Training Formation phase, two from the first year and eight from the second year. The general objective of the meeting was to guarantee a space for meeting and formation that helps Salesians to discuss matters together, according to the proposed formation framework, in relation to the practice of the Preventive System. The central theme was "A Youth Ministry that educates to love", and addressed aspects such as accompaniment in the formation stage, the revision of formation processes for this level and reflection on the core of the 2024 Provincial Chapter. During the meeting, the significant experiences of each of the works in which the Salesians are inserted were shared, as well as spaces for fraternal shared existence. The meeting also included an initial retreat, which offered an environment of reflection and spirituality. The young people in formation were accompanied by Fr René Santos SDB, Provincial Delegate for Formation, and Fr Marcelo Navarrete SDB, Provincial Delegate for vocation animation. The meeting not only strengthened the bonds between Salesians in formation, but also reaffirmed the commitment to a Youth Ministry that educates to love, following the principles of the Preventive System.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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