South Korea – Conclusion of the KOR Province Provincial Chapter
Seoul, South Korea – June 2024 - The 18th Provincial Chapter of the Salesian Province of South Korea (KOR) concluded on 9 June. 34 Salesians reflected for five days on the theme "Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people". To contribute to the GC29, proposals were prepared to recover the values of religious life, to find paths of renewal and spiritual accompaniment, to strengthen community life and to witness to Salesianity. Contributions were also made to GC29 on the position of KOR Province in terms of charism and mission shared with the Salesian Family and the laity, and in terms of Youth Ministry. In addition, amendments have been proposed to some articles of the Constitution and the Regulations that directly affect Salesian religious life. The delegate and substitutes were elected to represent the KOR Province at the GC29: Fr Marcelo Baek Kwanghyun, Frs Peter Kim Sangyoon and Samuel Yoo Myungil were chosen as Delegate and as first and second substitute respectively. In the homily for the closing mass, Fr Timothy Choi Woncheol, KOR Provincial, expressed his deep gratitude to all those who worked for the Provincial Chapter, highlighting the commitment to concretely live the passion of Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people.
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