DR Congo – The Provincial Chapter of the AFC Province concludes
Kansebula, DR Congo – May 2024 - From 20 to 23 May, the Salesians of Don Bosco of the Province of Central Africa (AFC) celebrated the 22nd Provincial Chapter for four intense days. The assembly was focused on the theme of the next GC29. Key figures were the Provincial, Fr Guillermo Basañes and Frs Didier Umbi, and Dieudonné Besa. There were 62 Chapter members and three young deacons as part of the secretariat team. Among the various phases of the work, the report on the status of the Province by Fr Basañes, the reports of the Provincial Delegates of the various sectors, plenary discussions of the three core areas of GC29 and voting on resolutions for each module and the elections of the two delegates to the GC29 and their replacements,Fr Gauthier Tshibangu and Fr Tryphon Kalimira, and Frs Marc Nawej and Didier Umbi respectively.
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