Nigeria - Conclusion of the Provincial Chapter of the Africa Nigeria Niger Province (ANN)
The second Provincial Chapter of the Africa Nigeria Niger (ANN) Province, held in Iju, Lagos came to close on April 28, 2024. The Provinicial Fr. Jorge Crisafulli, in the concluding eucharist emphasized the essence of passion and the significance of abiding in faith. The solemn evening prayer marked the official closure of the Provincial Chapter, during which Fr. Jorge Crisafulli shared his reflections on the sessions and proceedings. His sentiments were unequivocally positive, underscoring the unity, dedication, and fervour that characterized the Chapter. The chapter members departed emboldened, fortified by a renewed commitment to their faith, their mission, and their community.
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- Nigeria - Three Salesians ordained priests
- Niger – New Frontiers: the Salesians of Don Bosco in the Heart of the Sahara
- Nigeria – A vocation programme to accompany young people in their life choices
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