Bolivia - Regional Assemblies of the Salesian Youth Movement
Cochabamba, Bolivia - October 2016 - The Assemblies of the Salesian Youth Movement are going on at present in the regions of Cochabamba, La Paz, Sucre, Santa Cruz and Norte Integrado, with the aim of collecting the contributions of young people and electing representatives to the National SYM Assembly to be held 26 to 28 February 2017 in Cochabamba.
In the picture: the Assembly in Cochabamba.
- Bolivia – “Don Bosco makes us Family”: “Hogares Don Bosco” gather hundreds of Adolescents and Young People
- Bolivia - Fr Andrzej Borowiec visits the Salesian community of Kami and Independencia
- Bolivia - A project for Formation of lay Salesians
- Bolivia - Bosco Sport 2016 to strengthen friendship and respect
- Bolivia - Priestly Ordination of the Salesian Diter Choquehuanca
- Bolivia - Fr Kurahashi: "Music was my ally in evangelization"
- Bolivia - Archbishop Tito Solari: "how to educate young people in a world of anti-values"
- Bolivia – Peace March for dialogue in families and security
- Bolivia - Anita, the volunteer who decided to stay forever in Casa Don Bosco