Argentina - Meeting of the Educational Assistants in the Northern Argentina Province: strengthening the presence to accompany Adolescents
Córdoba, Argentina – April 2024 – A meeting of the Educational Assistants from schools in the Salesian Province of Argentina Nord (ARN) took place on 4-5 April. 60 participants gathered to strengthen the accompaniment of school boys and girls through various tools. Some of the workshops proposed concerned problematic consumption, encouragement of digital communities, emotional education, role of the educational assistant, among others. The event was attended by Fr Horacio Barbieri, SDB, Superior of the ARN Province, who expressed his joy for these spaces that promote fraternity among the members of the Salesian Family. In addition, he highlighted the importance of providing new tools and approaches that enrich the daily work of those who work in Salesian schools.
- Argentina – Don Bosco Salesian House in San Luis helps the homeless
- Argentina – Provincial Chapter of Argentina South "Passionate about Jesus Christ, Dedicated to the Youth"
- Argentina - The Provincial Chapter of Argentina North comes to an end
- Argentina – Thousands of faithful gathered to pay homage to Mary Help of Christians
- Argentina – Opening of the 5th Provincial Chapter of Northern Argentina
- Argentina – Meeting of the National Animation Team of the Mallinista Movement
- Argentina - A new Salesian priest, Félix Quiroga for ARN
- Argentina - The Salesian Youth Pastoral Team of North Argentina to update the Salesian Educational Pastoral Project
- Argentina – See the value of local and provincial economic resources and develop project of solidarity and exchange of assets
- Argentina – Meeting of the Commission of Educational Centres of the Salesian Province of Northern Argentina
- Argentina – Annual Meeting of Presidents and Representatives of ADMA in North Argentina
- Argentina - Online Day of Spirituality for the Salesian Family of Northern Argentina
- Argentina – Over one hundred Salesian leaders at the Pastoral Day in North-East Argentina
- Argentina – The "Zatti Joven 2024" event brings together over 400 young people from the SYM