Indonesia – Sharing Happiness and Strengthening Brotherhood

04 April 2024

Blitar, Indonesia – April 2024 - One of the special features of the Indonesian nation is the diversity of religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and other indigenous religions. The St Yusuf Catholic Vocational School Salesian community in Blitar, which has this kind of religious diversity, organised an "iftar" (evening meal consumed by Muslims that interrupts the daily fast) on 3 April, on the theme "Sharing happiness and strengthening brotherhood". The activity began with the prayer followed by talks from Mr. Imam Susilo, the Principal Fr Ferdinandus Reo, SDB, and Mrs. Endang Sulistiowati, as school supervisor of the educational office for the city of Blitar and Mr. Alex Silli, President of the School Committee. Imam Susilo stressed that every believer has been destined by God and the hope is that everyone can do their best for the common good. Fr Ferdinandus Reo invited all teachers and school employees to set an example for each other, thanking the Muslim employees who work in the institution. Ms Endang for her part stressed that “one form of tolerance in being together is breaking the fast together”. Then Mr. Hendra Budi Rukmana spoke on the theme "Work ethics", which was followed by dinner shared together.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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