Colombia – The Salesian Province of Medellín on its way to the 22nd Provincial Chapter
Medellín, Colombia – March 2024 - The Salesian Louis Bertrand Province of Medellín, Colombia (COM) is in the process of preparing for the 22nd Provincial Chapter, which was convened by the Provincial, Fr Luis Fernando Valencia, SDB. Starting from the guidelines presented by the Salesian Congregation for the celebration of the 29th General Chapter on the theme: "PASSIONATE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, DEDICATED TO YOUNG PEOPLE. For a faithful and prophetic experience of our Salesian vocation", all the communities of the COM Province, since October 2023, have worked and reflected on the three core areas of the GC29: 1. Animation and care for the real life of each Salesian; 2. Salesians, Salesian Family and Laity together ‘With’ and ‘For’ the Young; 3. A courageous evaluation and reshaping of the Congregation's Governance at all levels. Through the reflections of the local communities, the Pre-Chapter Commission consolidated the information obtained, ensuring a coherent and representative synthesis according to the criteria established by the GC29 and structuring the contributions according to a document provided by its Moderator. The 22nd Provincial Chapter of the COM Province will take place from 6 to 9 April 2024 at illa de Sales", near Copacabana, and will involve 36 Salesians.
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- Colombia – The Provincial Chapter of the Province of Medellín has begun
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