Italy – A thousand participants at the Triveneto SYM Youth Meeting: "Beyond the wall. On the road of dreams"
Mogliano Veneto, Italy – February 2024 - Sunday 25 February 2024 at the Astori Salesian house in Mogliano Veneto, about a thousand young people participated in the Triveneto SYM Youth Meeting entitled: "Beyond the wall. On the road of dreams”. The day was full of joy, with a welcome involving dances and moments of play. A focal point was the show created by the young people themselves, who wanted to show how it is possible to build a dream of peace, breaking down the walls of fears and prejudices, courageously facing conflicts. Two young people participating in the "Swallow - Citadel of Peace" Project, located in Arezzo, offered their testimony: both from Bosnia, which experienced a hard conflict in the 1990s, told their personal story and their dreams of peace, starting from the encounter with the other and from the choice to take the first step towards the "enemy". At the centre of the day was the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Fr Igino Biffi, Superior of the Salesian Province of Italy-North East (INE), who invited young people to dream big, to aim high, to let themselves be accompanied by Jesus to put into practice and with Him fulfil his dream of peace for humanity. Finally, the day continued in Oratory style, with games, stands, moments of reflection and prayer, in which every young person could freely participate.
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