Kenya – Fr Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, visits the Salesian mission in Korr

26 February 2024

Isiolo, Kenya – February 2024 - Sunday 25 February 2024 was a joyful day for the parish community of the Don Bosco Catholic Mission Korr, the Salesian mission in Korr, Kenya, which welcomed the General Councillor for the Missions, Fr Alfred Maravilla. He was accompanied by Fr Eric Mairura, of the Missions Sector, Fr George Tharaniyil, Superior of the Salesian Province of East Africa (AFE), and Fr Jose Padinjareparampil, Head of the Commission for Missionary Animation in the Province. Fr Maravilla spent much of the day with the people of the parish, celebrating Sunday Mass for the faithful and visiting the recently renovated and reopened parish dispensary. Then he went to Ngrunit, a mission station of the parish, about 50 kilometres away, and in the afternoon he met the young people of the parish. Don Bosco Catholic Mission Korr is located about 600 kilometres north of Nairobi and is located within the vast Kaisut desert, in the diocese of Marsabit, where the population is mostly made up of shepherds. Anyone who visits the parish can feel the love and warmth of the people, a testimony to the dedication and hard work of the Salesian pioneers and other Salesians who have worked in this mission. The current Director and Pastor of the mission is Fr Eric Owuor Onyango.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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