Argentina – The Cafasso Experience for SYM leaders: "Listening transforms us"

05 February 2024

Río Negro, Argentina – January 2024 – About a hundred young people, leaders, lay people and consecrated individuals gathered at the Stefenelli Retreat House in Río Negro for the"Cafasso Experience", a School for Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) leaders in the Comahue Region. From 26 to 28 January, with the motto "Listening transforms us", inspired by the figure of St Joseph Cafasso, John Bosco's formator and confessor, there were there were opportunities for understanding what it means to listen, and for active listening. Practical experiences were shared on how to accompany young people today and how, by combining these two actions, one can transform reality and links with others. The meeting was accompanied by Salesian Brother Agustín Camilletti, Delegate for Youth Ministry in the Salesian Province of Southern Argentina (ARS). During the final Eucharist, presided over by Fr Darío Perera, ARS Provincial, postnovices Augusto Bravo, Leonardo Díaz, Braian Fernández, Luciano Piccirilli and Mauro Rossato renewed their vows as Salesians.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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