Myanmar – A seminar on the Salesian Brothers vocation on the occasion of the feast of Saint Artemides Zatti
Anisakan, Myanmar – November 2023 – On the day of the feast of Saint Artemides Zatti, 13 November, a seminar entitled "Saint Artemides Zatti: pride and model of Salesian Brothers" was held in the Domiic Savio room at Nazareth Salesian house in Anisakan. The event, which was attended by about 150 young people, aimed to promote vocations among young people in Myanmar. After theopening prayer and a hymn to Don Bosco, Salesian Brother Stephen Tuang Lian Pau spoke, highlighting how Saint Artemides Zatti represents a model of life and how his vocation is a sure way to holiness. Subsequently, the Don Bosco Media Team screened the film on Saint Artemides Zatti, followed with great interest. Finally, the day ended with a prayer for the growth of vocations in the Salesian Vice-Province of Myanmar.
- Myanmar – Computer training courses for local youth
- Myanmar – Conclusion of the Provincial Chapter
- Myanmar – Opening of the seventh Provincial Chapter of the Myanmar Vice-Province
- Myanmar – Presentation of the 2024 Strenna of the Rector Major in the MYM Vice-Province
- Myanmar – “Pilgrims of hope on the path of peace”: World Day of Consecrated Life celebrated
- Myanmar - "Christmas Games Festival"
- Myanmar – A psycho-spirituality course for the Salesians of the Myanmar Vice-Province
- Myanmar – Priestly Ordination of Salesians David Yan Naing Aung and Joseph Labya Mai Li
- Italy – Celebration in honour of Saint Artemides Zatti at the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin
- Myanmar – Social Communication meeting focused on media awareness
- Myanmar - Seminar on "Strengthening Christian Families"
- Myanmar – The Myanmar Vice-Province hosts the monthly retreat for religious from different Congregations
- Myanmar - Ordination to the Deaconate of Salesian Justin Aung Htet Zaw
- Myanmar – Medical care for the needy and new computers to help students: interventions made possible thanks to Salesian Missions funding
- Myanmar - Conclusion of the extraordinary visit of Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc to Myanmar
- Myanmar – 120 Catholics receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
- Myanmar – Don Bosco Philosophate, inauguration of the 2023-2024 Academic Year
- Myanmar – First profession of five young Salesians