Italy - Annual meeting of the Regional Formation Commission for the Mediterranean Region

27 October 2023

Rome, Italy - October 2023 - From 24th to 27th October, the Regional Formation Commission meeting for the Mediterranean Region was held at the "San Tarcisio" postnovitiate community in Rome. The Provincial Formation Delegates of the Salesian Provinces of Portugal, Spain and Italy participated. The UPS Vice Province was also present for the meeting. The Delegate of the MOR Province should have been present, but was unable to attend because of the war situation in the Holy Land. Among the topics discussed were: a reflection on Salesian holiness starting from the canonisation of Artemide Zatti, led by Rector Major Emeritus, Fr Pascual Chávez; the sharing of provincial initiatives linked to the figure of Zatti and the 200th anniversary of Don Bosco’s dream at the age of 9 in 2024; an evaluation of missionary formation initiatives carried out in dialogue with the Missions Sector; and the revision of the Commission's Regulations. The participation in the community life of the post-novitiate and the animation of young Salesians, who enriched some moments of the meeting, were also greatly appreciated.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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