Ecuador - 15th National Meeting of the Salesian Family: "Strenna and Shared Mission"
Cumbayá, Ecuador - September 2023 - The 15th National Meeting of the Salesian Family (SF) in Ecuador took place In the Mary Help of Christians Spirituality House in Cumbayá, from 29 September to 1 October, with the motto "Strenna and Shared Mission". It was attended by 145 representatives of the 10 SF groups n the country. Present at the event were Sr. Judith Mocha, coordinator of the Salesian Family Sector for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and Fr. Juan Flores, Delegate for the Salesian Family for the Salesian Province of Ecuador, who stressed during his speech, that "We are a big family! A family that puts all its dreams and ideals on the line with the salvation of young people in mind." The topics addressed during the meeting were: "Family, ecclesial and social reality" and "Identity and mission of the lay person, according to Church and Salesian documents". This meeting allows the Family in Ecuador to walk together, attentively listening to the Lord and ready for the mission.
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