Slovenia - The 2023 Summer Oratories took place in 300 parishes and involved 22,000 young people and 7,000 animators
Ljubljana, Slovenia - September 2023 - "Oratorij Slovenija", the youth association that collaborates with the Salesian Youth Pastoral Office of the Province of "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" of Slovenia (SLO), prepares and assists every year the summer oratorian programmes in Slovenia. Its secretary, Mr. Tilen Mlakar, a Salesian Cooperator and employee of the Salesian Youth Pastoral Office, reported that this year's Summer Oratories were a great success: they were held in 300 parishes in all six Slovenian dioceses with the participation of about 22,000 children and young people, accompanied by about 7,000 animators. The parish courtyards resounded with children's songs, games, catechesis, prayer, testimonies, workshops and everything else that oratories need. The theme of this year's summer oratories was taken from the book 'The Hobbit' by the popular Catholic fantasy writer J. R. R. Tolkien.
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