United States - Salesian Accompaniment for the Salesians of the United States East and West Provinces in their quinquennium
Stony Point, USA - September 2023 - From 27-29 September, young Salesian brothers and priests from the United States West (SUO) and United States East and Canada (SUE) provinces gathered at the Marian Shrine for the annual quinquennium meeting on the theme of Salesian Accompaniment.
- United States – The Feast of Don Bosco in Bellflower, in the presence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, Bishop Marc Trudeau
- United States - New Promise of Salesian Cooperators at the Santo Domingo Savio Centre in Hernando
- United States – Meeting of the Youth Ministry team for the Salesian Province of the United States West
- Stati Uniti – 25 years of compassion and service of others: anniversary of the Damas Salesianas in St Dominic Savio Parish
- United States – The on Bosco" Technical Institute participates in the mockup restoration project of the Space Shuttle
- United States – Vocational meeting of youth groups in California
- United States – Youth Ministry Coordinators gathered in Stony Point for the 2023 annual meeting
- United States - Salesian and FMA school representatives reunited for a monthly recollection in October