Democratic Republic of Congo - Conclusion of the missionary year for the young people of the Salesian Missionary Group in Kinshasa
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo - September 2023 - The Salesian Missionary Group in Kinshasa organised a time of sharing for all its members at the conclusion of the missionary year. The event at Tampas Beach, in the municipality of Maluku, was held with the aim of strengthening the bond of fraternity among members, living moments of Salesian joy, but above all to be able to plan the next missionary year so that it will have an ever greater impact on the country's young people. The day began with Mass presided over by Fr Jacques Isha, SDB, who accompanies the Salesian Missionary Group. Then, members of the missionary group engaged in various activities such as football, swimming and various games. After lunch, the day ended with a speech by Fr Isha, who invited the young people of the group to participate with missionary zeal in the global and local initiatives that will be proposed to live the year of the bicentenary of Don Bosco's childhood dream.
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