Mexico - Evangelization Retreat of the SYM of the Province of Mexico City
Tlazala, Mexico - September 2016 - From 23 to 25 September two retreats took place: the first level Evangelization Retreat of the Salesian Youth Movement, and the second level Retreat for young members of the Salesian Leaders Project. The event was attended by 213 young people and pastoral workers, and was led by the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
- Mexico - New structures for the Francisco Mateos Salesian Oratory
- Mexico - 400 young people at the Inter-Salesian games for Primary Schools
- Mexico - Bosco Camp 2017: "You are Salt and Light of Charity"
- Mexico - 25th anniversary of Salesian Work at Alborada di Mérida
- Mexico – School of Salesian Spirituality - First level
- India – Symbios 2016: Connect, Celebrate and Commit
- Mexico - Second workshop for Salesian Leaders 2016
- Mexico - Camp Cagliero 2016: We are the others
- Mexico - Institute for the Advancement of the Indigenous Community (IMCI)
- Mexico - "Holidays with Jesus" at the Salesian Oratory in Puebla
- México - Campamento "Misión Joven"
- Mexico - 65th anniversary of the foundation of "Juan Ponce de León"
- Mexico - Salesian Day of Educational and Pastoral Planning for the Laity