D.R. Congo - Sixty young people trained in trades receive the Boscolac VTC vocational reintegration kit
Goma, D.R. Congo - September 2023 - Salesians at the Boscolac community located in Mugunga/Nyabyunyu, an area some twenty kilometres from the city of Goma, handed over the vocational reintegration kit to 60 young people, girls and boys, in vulnerable situations on 15 September. This kit delivery comes at the end of the training cycle in cutting and sewing and cosmetic hairstyling, at the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Boscolac. The gift is part of the AFC-22 project, supervision of young and vulnerable girls and boys in Boscolac, implemented by the Planning and Development Office of the AFC-EST Delegation and financed by Don Bosco Mission based in Bonn, Germany. In his address, Fr Carlos Balezi Kabumba, SDB, Director of the Office of Planning and Development (AFC-EST), expressed the gratitude of the young beneficiaries and the Delegation to benefactors, and recalled that the training received by the young people will be beneficial to the entire society because they will be able to contribute, through their work, to the social welfare of their families and the entire community. The ceremony was also attended by Fr Pascal Mumba Kati, SDB Rector of the Boscolac Community, and Salesian Brother Honorato Alonso, outgoing head of the Boscolac Vocational Training Centre, who invited the young people to put the knowledge they have acquired to good use and to spread the moral and spiritual values received from the Salesians.
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