Spain - The Rector Major visits Misiones Salesianas: "What you are doing here every day is taking extraordinary care of the Salesian mission in the name of Don Bosco."
Madrid, Spain - September 2023 - Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, visited Misiones Salesianas Salesian Missions Office in Madrid on 9 September. Addressing the entire team, the Rector Major said: "What you are doing here every day is taking extraordinary care of the Salesian mission in the name of Don Bosco. The drop by drop that you put in every day has a precious value. Thank you with all my heart because the good that you do, that we do, is immense."
- Europe – The “nARTure” ecological education project has formed more than 100 people in 2023
- Spain - The Salesians in Cordoba honoured in the 12th edition of the European Researchers' Night
- Spain - Around one hundred educators from the Pinardi Federation of Salesian Social Platforms reflect on the Salesian style of education
- Spain - The Don Bosco Confederation begins the 2023-2024 course in Madrid with the Executive Assembly
- Vatican – Tomorrow, for the first time in the Vatican, a showing of the documentary "Canillitas" by Misiones Salesianas
- Italy - At the service of the 'breath of the Spirit': the circle of holiness in the Salesian Family
- Italy – The Rector Major's goodnight at the conclusion of the seminar on holiness in the Salesian Family
- Italy – The Salesian Family in the 'Circle of Saints’
- Israel – The Rector Major presides over the Celebration of the Centenary of the Consecration of the Basilica of Jesus the Adolescent in Nazareth
- Israel - The Rector Major in Nazareth for the Centenary of the Consecration of the Basilica of the Adolescent Jesus
- Portugal – The Rector Major presides at the installation of the new Provincial of POR, Fr Tarcízio Morais
- Portugal – The Rector Major in the “City of Joy”