Mexico - Beginning of the Extraordinary Visitation by Fr Gabriel Romero to the Salesian Province of Mexico-Guadalajara
Guadalajara, Mexico - September 2023 - The Extraordinary Visitation to the Salesian Province of Mexico-Guadalajara (MEG) began on Friday, 1 September. The Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, designated the Councillor for the South Cone Region, Fr Gabriel Romero, for this visit. The Visit began with the celebration of the Eucharist together with all the Salesians of the Provincial Council: Fr Filiberto González (Provincial), Fr Felipe Carranza (Vice-Provincial and Delegate for Formation), Fr Jorge Mejía (Economer), Fr Agapito Espinoza (Youth Ministry Delegate), Salesian Brother Ivan Vega (Social Communication Delegate), Fr Francisco Origel (Secretary), and Fr José Luis Plasencia and Fr Adán Marrero, who are also part of the Theologate's formation team. Fr Osvaldo Gorzegno, Delegate for the Salesian Family, also participated. In the first meeting with the Provincial Council, the Salesians presented Fr Gabriel Romero with a report on the Provincial, with the results and challenges of each sector of animation. Over the next three months, the Regional Councillor will visit the 25 communities of Christ the King and Mary Help of Christians Province of Guadalajara.
- Mexico - Fr Gabriel Romero concludes the Extraordinary Visitation to the Salesian Province of Guadalajara
- Mexico - The Councillor for the South Cone Region visits the Regional Centre for Salesian Brother Specific Formation (CRESCO)
- Mexico - Fr Gabriel Romero on an Extraordinary Visitation to the Interprovincial Theologate in Tlaquepaque
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- Mexico - The Councillor for the South Cone Region blesses the new "María Auxiliadora" oratory in Ciudad Juárez
- Mexico - Formation meeting for the rectors of Salesian works in the MEM Province
- Brazil - Salesian Provincials of the South Cone Region gather in Pernambuco
- Mexico – Eucharistic Celebration for MEG's 60th Anniversary
- Mexico - Meeting of Salesian Cooperators from the Puebla area
- Mexico - Meeting of Salesian Cooperators in Mexico City
- Mexico – Diaconate ordination of four Salesians
- Mexico – First profession of eight Salesian novices
- Mexico – The first course of the Salesian Past Pupils Leadership School concludes
- Mexico – The Tijuana Salesian Project strengthens its strategic alliance with the International Organisation for Migration
- Mexico - Lectio Divina: an ancient itinerary with new personal, community, and pastoral possibilities
- Mexico - Curatorium of the Theologate of Tlaquepaque