D.R. Congo – Meeting of Rectors and leaders of Salesian communities and presences in the Salesian Province of Central Africa
Kansebula, D.R. Congo – July 2023 - From 10 to 13 July, all 24 Salesian Rectors and those in charge of the Salesian communities and presences in the Central African Province (AFC), participated in a session convened and organised by the Provincial, Fr Guillermo Basañes, and his Council. The discussion, held at the Salesian formation house in Kansebula, located about 20 km from the city of Lubumbashi, is the last one for the Rectors and Persons in Charge for this pastoral year 2022-2023, and revolved around vital issues of animation and governance of the Province. Everything took place in an atmosphere of fraternity and typically Salesian family joy. The participants reviewed the evaluation of the level of application of the resolutions of Provincial Chapter 21; the management of Salesian schools; youth ministry; Economy; the formation and contribution of the Rectors for the development of the 2023-2024 Provincial Plan. Fr Basañes celebrated the concluding Mass, during which he blessed and presented each Rector with a statuette of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - the statuettes were donated to the AFC Province by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Bologna (Italy) via Fr Ferdinando Colombo, SDB.
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