Brazil – The Salesian School of Youth Spirituality for Porto Alegre Province

06 July 2023

Penha, Brazil – June 2023 –The Salesian St Pius X Province, Brazil-Porto Alegre (BPA), held the 16th Salesian School of Youth Spirituality from 24 to 30 June. The immersion experience took place in Penha, state of Santa Catarina. The school's activities proposed living the values of Don Bosco's spirituality through many opportunities for sharing, lectio divina, prayers, celebrations, dynamics, reflections and communion. Educators and volunteers from schools, social works and Salesian parishes took part in the proposal addressed to lay leaders of the educative and pastoral communities from the entire BPA Province. In addition to the Youth Ministry Delegate for the BPA Province, Fr Sérgio Ramos de Souza, and the Salesian Youth Ministry Team who coordinate the school, Frs Assis Moser, Diego da Silva and Jeferson Moreira also assisted the work. The project offers young people and adults from Salesian works an opportunity to cultivate and deepen their experience of God through the values of Salesian Youth Spirituality. The noun "spirituality" recalls the long tradition written in the lives of Jesus' disciples; the adjective "youthful" recalls that this project refers to young people, teenagers who adopt a youthful style, even as adults; the adjective "Salesian" describes Don Bosco's proposal among the many models offered by the Church. During the week, the topics on which to reflect and pray revolved around intrinsically Salesian values: optimism and joy; acceptance of the other; everyday life as a place for experiencing God; Salesian prayer; life as vocation, gift and responsibility; the family spirit; ecclesial communion; and finally love for Mary, Help of Christians and Mother.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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