India - Pope’s day Seminar at Don Bosco Theological College, Kavarapettai
Kavarapettai, India – June 2023 – The Pope’s Day Seminar was held at Don Bosco Theological Centre (DBTC), Kavarapettai, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu, India on the solemn occasion of the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. This year the seminar focused on Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi: On the Liturgical Formation of People of God. Fr Emmanuel Maddhichetty, the Principal of DBTC, welcomed the gathering. The Seminar was organised by the Second year students of Theology and Fr Agustine, the professor of Liturgy at DBTC was the coordinator of the event. Br. Arockia Dass, Br. Clement and Br. Kennedy presented a sunmmary of the document. Dr. Nellikunnel Moncy SDB, Executive Secretary to the CCBI Commission for Liturgy and the professor of Liturgy at Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore, delivered the keynote address presenting the challenges to our current state of Liturgical Formation in India. The entire event was broadcast online through YouTube Live-streaming. The seminar concluded with a discussion filled with lot of thought provoking questions and clarifying interventions. On the whole it was indeed a fruitful Seminar – on the liturgical formation of the people of God.
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