Poland - 11th Exhibition of works by participants in the art workshops at the Salesian Church in Dębniki
Krakow, Poland – June 2023 – The 11th edition of the exhibition of works by participants of the parish art workshops was held on 18 June, in a room at the Salesian St Stanislaus Kostka church in Dębniki Krakow. It was managed by Frs Leszek and Robert Kruczek, SDB. This year's exhibition was special because it was held for the last time, as the two Salesian twin brothers who have managed it for several years are about to move to the Salesian community in Oświęcim. Works have been presented not only from last year, but also from previous years: icons, oil paintings and small sculptures, inspired above all by sacred themes, but also portraits, landscapes and flowers. Attention was drawn to the high standard of the works, aware that all the authors are amateurs and that many of them began their adventure in art only after retiring. With regard to Frs Robert and Leszek Kruczek, the paintings, statues, bas-reliefs and busts they have made are exhibited in many important places in Poland, such as in the Shrine of Jasna Góra in Częstochowa, in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the New Evangelization and St John Paul II in Toruń, in the church of Kielce-Niewachlów. And also in other parts of the world: in Vilnius (Lithuania), in Colle Don Bosco (Italy), Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Peru, Venezuela.
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