Slovenia – Annual meeting of Past Pupils of Don Bosco
Lesično, Slovenia – June 2023 - Former students from Salesian works in the Salesian Province of Slovenia (SLO) met on Saturday, 3 June in Lesično and Pilštanj, where some members come from. Fr Marko Košnik, Superior of the SLO Province, celebrated Mass for them and during the homily encouraged the Past Pupils to always live in the Salesian spirit.
- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Brothers from Sts Cyril and Methodius Province
- Slovenia - A video of the song "Praise" by the Salesian High School choir from Želimlje
- Slovenia - The 2023 Summer Oratories took place in 300 parishes and involved 22,000 young people and 7,000 animators
- Slovenia - Beginning of the Extraordinary Visitation of Fr Roman Jachimowicz to the Province of Saints Cyril and Methodius (SLO)
- Slovenia - Meeting of young Salesians in initial formation and missionaries
- Slovenia – “Savio Kamp” comes to an end
- Slovenia - Day of solidarity for the population affected by the violent storms
- Italy – European Regional meeting of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco
- Mexico – The first course of the Salesian Past Pupils Leadership School concludes
- Slovenia – Translation of Biographical Memoirs of St John Bosco into Slovenian completed
- Slovenia - Feast of St. Domenico Savio in parish of Mary Help of Christians in Ljubljana-Rakovnik
- Slovenia - General Councilor for Missions visits Salesian Province "Saints Cyril and Methodius"
- Montenegro - Provincial Council of Slovenia visits Salesian community of Podgorica
- Slovenia - Training of Salesian animators
- Slovenia - "Fundacija Don Bosko" gives joy to Ukrainian orphan children welcomed in Slavina
- Slovenia - Filippo Rinaldi's visit to Salesian work in Radna in 1926
- Slovenia – A centennial tree bearing fruit: "Sts Cyril and Methodius" Province
- Slovenia - Meeting of Salesian Youth Movement
- Slovenia - The first oratory in Ljubljana Kodeljevo