Poland – Meeting of the SDB and FMA National Youth Ministry Centre
Warsaw, Poland – June 2023 - The meeting of the National Youth Ministry Centre, which brings together representatives from the six Polish Provinces of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Salesians of Don Bosco, took place on 5-6 June in Warsaw and Czerwińsk. Among the topics discussed were involvement in World Youth Day in Lisbon and WYD DON BOSCO, the National Forum of Salesian Leaders and the meeting of the European Salesian Youth Movement, as well as planning common initiatives for the next formation year.
- Poland - "A Dream come true": meeting of young oratory leaders
- Poland - More than three hundred participants at the 19th Futsal Tournament for Altar Boys from the Piła Province
- Poland - A weekend of formation for Young adults in Wrocław Province
- Poland - Dedication of the Church to St John Bosco by the Salesians at Pila
- Poland - School for Salesian Animators: "Media Animator”
- Poland - Over four hundred people at the "Boski Festiwal Lite"
- Poland – "rekoSAS": the retreat for the Salesian Leaders School
- Poland - Over 300 young people at the Salesian "Non Stop Bosko" Festival 2023
- Lithuania – 33rd International Suwałki - Vilnius Pilgrimage
- Poland – Formation meeting for young candidates for Salesian leadership
- Portugal – Perpetual professions of Salesians belonging to Portugal Province and the Vice-Provinces of Angola and Timor Leste
- Poland – 2023 School for Salesian Leaders from Wrocław Province
- Poland – More than 600 participants at the Salos Family Camp 2023 National Family Meeting
- Poland - 19 volunteers from Don Bosco International Volunteers receive their missionary crosses
- Poland - 11th Exhibition of works by participants in the art workshops at the Salesian Church in Dębniki
- Poland - The Salesian Family Advisory Council for the Krakow Province
- Poland – Salesian Cooperators Days of Spirituality in Krakow Province
- Poland – Assembly of Salesian Schools in the Province of Wrocław
- Poland – Formation of Formators 2023 in the Polish Salesian Provinces
- Poland – Meeting of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco 2023
- Poland – Tournaments for Liturgical Service at the Altar 2023
- Poland – The 100th anniversary of St Joseph's Salesian parish in Przemyśl, with a conference on “Salesians in Przemyśl: history – identity – culture”
- Poland – Perpetual profession of three Salesians from the Province of Piła
- Poland – 22nd edition of Orawa for the Children of Africa
- Poland – 14th edition of the Festival of Youth Without Borders
- Poland - Salesian church in Przemyśl elevated to shrine status
- Poland - 13 new Salesian priests from Polish Provinces
- Poland – War seen through the eyes of a mother. Yulia's testimony
- Poland – Over 200 young people from Wroclaw Salesian Province oratories take part in meeting on theme "You are not alone"
- Poland - Deacon ordination of four Salesian clerics