Ecuador – Meeting of the Amazonian Missions
Macas, Ecuador – May 2023 – The Meeting of the Amazonian Missions was held in the community of Macas from 28 to 31 May, in the presence of Fr Marcelo Farfán, Superior of the Salesian Province of Ecuador (ECU), Bishop Néstor Montesdeoca, WDS, Apostolic Vicar of Méndez, and the Salesians from communities in the Eastern region. On the occasion, Fr Farfán reflected on the Salesian presence in the Amazonian missions, and Fr Mauricio Leime, Delegate for Youth Ministry, revised the Pastoral Plan to incorporate the contributions of the Salesians. The meeting was led by Frs Leime and Luciano Bellini, head of the Amazonian Missions sector.
- Ecuador – Macas: a century of service to children and young people
- Ecuador – Henri Tendetza, a young person taken in by the Salesians in Ambato, who wants "to be someone in life and leave his mark"
- Ecuador – Conclusion of Youth Volunteer Experience
- Ecuador – Meeting of Salesian Province of Ecuador's teams
- Ecuador – Day of vocational discernment for 11 young people
- Ecuador – Provincial Community Feast Day 2023
- Ecuador – Rectors Meeting and assembly of Salesians and laity in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Province
- Ecuador - 13 young people participate in the Vocational Silent Retreat
- Ecuador – A formative and festive experience for the young people in SYM Cuenca
- Ecuador - "El Gris, the radio": three years of accompanying and evangelizing young people
- Ecuador – "El Gris, the radio," a proposal by young people for young people
- Ecuador – "The care of digital identity within the Salesian charism"
- Ecuador - Mass in honor of Venerable Fr. Carlo Crespi, SDB, celebrated in Cuenca Cathedral
- Ecuador - Mass for Missionary Dispatch of 17 young people