D.R. Congo – The Salesians from the AFC-EST Delegation distribute humanitarian aid to over 200 vulnerable families in the Kanyarucinya camp
Kanyarucinya, D.R. Congo – June 2023 – After helping the internally displaced persons who live in the Don Bosco Shasha camp, about 40 km southwest of Goma, on 25 May, on 1 June in honour of Mary Help of Christians, Salesians from the Central Africa East Delegation (AFC-EST) made a new delivery of humanitarian goods, this time to displaced persons at the Kanyarucinya Camp, 15 km north of the city of Goma. More than 200 vulnerable families, consisting of the elderly, people with disabilities, breast-feeding mothers, pregnant women and young mothers received aid consisting of cornmeal, beans, salt, vegetable oil and soap, collected thanks to the benefactors of the Don Bosco AFC-EST Mission and the Salesian International Volunteers for Development NGO (VIS). This charitable and humanitarian gesture by the Salesians is the second in a month for the displaced, who no longer receive sufficient aid. Their situation is aggravated by famine, epidemics and climatic disturbances that have devastated all the fields in the city and surroundings. The beneficiaries never stop thanking their benefactors from near and far. The Emergency Coordination on behalf of the displaced is managed by Fr Carlos Balezi, SDB and the Economer of the AFC-EST Delegation, in collaboration with VIS; in addition, the camp team, led by Salesian Brother Augustin Mupoyi, was recently reinforced by Salesian practical trainee of Guatemalan origin, José Guillermo Ramirez.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo – Meeting of Economers for Salesian communities in the Eastn Delegation of the Central Africa Province (AFC-EST)
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- D.R. Congo – Salesians help more than 300 displaced families in Don Bosco Shasha
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- D.R. Congo - Salesians from AFC-EST Delegation bring humanitarian aid to displaced people in Kanyaruchinya camp
- DR Congo - War-displaced persons returned to Don Bosco Shasha receiving food donations from Salesians